The Aflockalypse, current information and causes

The reports of dead fish and birds seem to come in daily from around the world and officials are baffled at the ultimate cause. Explanations such as fireworks, sonic air frequencies and winter trauma are some of the excuses given, but no one seems to really know any real reason. It seems that all anyone can do is listen to the reports and keep up with the newest developments.

You can now follow the mass animal deaths that are occurring around the world on Google Maps.

On the Google Map link to the mass animal deaths, each pinpoint is linked to a news article with information about that area’s deaths. Drum fish and blackbirds aren’t the only creatures included in the reports. 70 bats were found dead in Tucson, Arizona on December 28, 2010. Starfish and jellyfish were reported to be “dying from the cold” in Charleston, South Carolina on December 23, 2010. Manatees along Treasure Coast in Florida were found dead on January 4, 2011.

The different species of birds continue to grow around the globe as well. In North America, mainly blackbirds have fallen out of the sky, but dead pelicans were found on Topsail Island in North Carolina on December 22, 2010. Over 300 doves fell out of the sky in Italy, up to 100 Jackdaw birds were found dead in Sweden, and dead birds were found in Japan.

Tension seems to grow amongst the population as people report on their Facebook statuses how terrifying this event actually is. “Wish I would have got the house with a bomb shelter” said one person and jokes are being made about the “daily dead bird/fish roundup.” Even with the reasoning from officials about the cause of these bizarre and sudden deaths, people aren’t buying it.

Many people are posting videos and links that the explanation may lie with the government. HAARP, the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program funded by the U.S. government and military. Stationed in Alaska, HAARP uses radio frequencies for communication and bomb detection, but conspiracies abound with what is actually going on with the facility.

The only idea that officials seem to know about these apocalyptic events is that it’s not poison. Until the actual cause of death is known, people everywhere should be cautious about eating seafood and fowl.

Nearly 70 bats found dead in Tucson.
Starfish, jellyfish dying from the cold.
Manatee death reports along Treasure Coast follow recent cold snap.,0,7714948.story
Swedish birds ‘scared to death’: veterinarian.