After a friend recommended the website Lame Cherry, a blog about political issues, I read the newest posts in earnest. What we need to see here is that there are many people out there that feel the same way about where this country is heading if Obama is elected the next president.
We need to be real people, we need to pay attention to what he's really saying. And for those who have been hypnotized by his "great speaker" qualities, we all must pray that you will wake up out of the brain washing and see the truth. He's a great speaker, yes, I agree. But so was Hitler.
Just because someone is a great speaker doesn't mean that what they are saying has any merit, value, or worth.
Obama has been talking about race issues this entire campaign, but the one who is racist is himself. Today Sean Hannity aired audio of Obama, Biden, and McMurther announcing that Pennsylvania is racist and redneck. That's funny. Coming from a very racist and redneck state myself, I never would have thought that Pennsylvania would ever be called that.
I agree with Sean Hannity that no one in Pennsylvania should vote for Obama after being called redneck. I think that all the "redneck" states should just bond together and take sides on who really is racist. I mean, come on! If you have a presidential candidate, SOMEONE BEING CONSIDERED FOR RUNNING OUR COUNTRY, call an ENTIRE state "redneck and racist" then there is something definitely wrong here.
Think about it. Turn off the tv, turn off the radio, the ipod, and your phone. Sit in the silence and critically think about that one issue. How mature is it?
If he would call one of the fifty states redneck and racist, what is he going to say about another country? Will he taunt another country with name calling and slandering and propel the USA into a global war? We would be blown off the map. Is that what you want, people? Think for yourselves. Do you want someone who will turn on their own countrymen? If they'll turn on their own countrymen, they'll turn on anyone. Obama doesn't care the way he should care about the people as a presidential candidate.