Hummingbird Sex Position
I was checking out Google Trends when the #3 hottest search was for "Hummingbird Sex Position." I could care less how hummingbirds mate, but why was there an all of a sudden increase in people searching this? I clicked on the link and found this site: reporting how it happens. Now I know that our society has become very much indulged in sex. On almost every commercial, game show, and even so-called family shows there are references to sex if not blatantly sexual. Marriages are ruined all over America because of fleeting sexual fancies with people other than their spouses. But why on this earth does anyone care about how hummingbirds do it? I mean, really people. Has it gotten so bad that people are so perverse that they want to know and watch how birds do it? Are that many people desperate for action that they want to watch BIRDS mate? Call me old fashioned, but is this borderline beastiality? You can't tell me that THAT many teachers assigned an essay on "Hummingbird Sex Position" 500 words, double spaced, 12 point font, due tomorrow.