For a long time, I was planning my days by hourly increments. I thought that making an hourly schedule was great for multitasking. I was wrong.
When you make a schedule, they never work.
Anything can come up to interfere with your plan. When an interference occurs, it's too easy to scrap the whole schedule. Then you get nothing accomplished.
What else can you do?
First, write down everything you MUST do
Second, prioritize the tasks by numbering them. (1 = ASAP, 5 = sometime today)
Third, examine your list. Can you multitask any of these jobs?
If I have laundry on my list (I usually do), I will always start the laundry first. This way, I am multitasking the laundry while doing other stuff.
Fourth, revise and rewrite the list neatly.
Last, get to work. If something comes up to interfere, just handle the issue as quickly as possible. Don't sweat it, it's all a part of life. But don't forget your list!